Monday, December 31, 2018

Lost Freedom; 110-120

  • Nandu, captured in 1983 at 2 years old, died 4 years later at Acuarama Sao Paulo - tumor.

  • Samoa, captured in 1983 at 3 years old, died 8 years later at Seaworld San Antonio - fungal meningitis. 

  • No name, captured in 1984 at 4 years old, died 2 months later at Saedyrasafnid - neck injury.

  • Freja/Patty, captured in 1984 at 2 years old, died 3 years later at Kamogawa Sea World - inflammation of small intestine. 

  • Junior, captured in 1984 at 2 years old, died 9 years later at Marineland Ontario - brain damage.

  • Kandu 7, captured in 1984 at 6 years old, died 21 years later at Marineland Ontario - cancer.

  • Bingo/Thor, captured in 1984 at 2 years old, died 29 years later at Port of Nagoya - pneumonia.

  • No name, bred in 1985, died 1 month later at Marineland California - asphyxiation. 

  • Milargo, captured in 1985 at an unknown age, died 5 years later at Mundo Marina - unknown. 

  • Kalina, bred in 1985, died 25 years later at Seaworld Orlando - blood poisoning.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Lost Freedom; 100-110

  • Benkei 3, captured in 1982 at less than 1 years old, died 1 year later at "private home" - unknown. 

  • Sacchi, captured in 1982 at 9 years old, died 2 years later at Enoshima Marineland - pneumonia. 

  • No name, bred in 1982, died 10 days later at Enoshima Marineland - brain abscess. 

  • Kiva, bred in 1982, died 48 days later at Marineland California - respiratory failure. 

  • No name, captured in 1982 at 1 years old, died 8 months later at Sealand Victoria - genetic disorder. 

  • Nootka 4, captured in 1982 at 3 years old, died 12 years later at Seaworld Orlando - unknown. 

  • Haida 2, captured in 1982 at less than 1 years old, died 19 years later at Seaworld San Antonio - necrosis and fungal infection. 

  • Kim 2, captured in 1982 at less than 1 years old, died 23 years later at Marineland Antibes - pneumonia.

  • Freya, captured in 1982 at 1 years old, died 32 years later at Marineland Antibes - unknown. 

  • Tilikum, captured in 1983 at 2 years old, died 32 years later at Seaworld Orlando - bacterial pneumonia. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Lost Freedom; 90-100

  • Finna, captured in 1980 at 3 years old, died 17 years later at Vancouver Aquarium - pneumonia. 

  • Vigga, captured in 1980 at 1 years old, died 19 years later at Marine World California - heart failure, brain and lung abscess, pneumonia. 

  • Bjossa, captured in 1980 at 3 years old, died 21 years later at Seaworld San Diego - chronic bronchopneumonia.  

  • No name, captured in 1981 at 4 years old, unknown date of death at Marineland Ontario - unknown. 

  • No name, captured in 1981 at less than 1 years old, died 2 months later at Clacton Pier - traumatic shock and ruptured kidney. 

  • Neptune, captured in 1981 at 4 years old, died 1 year later at Clacton Pier - appendicitis.

  • Nemo, captured in 1981 at less than 1 years old, died 5 years later at Windsor Safari Park - chronic blood clotting.

  • Ruka, captured in 1981 at 2 years old, died 18 years later at Nanki Shirahama Adventure World - traumatic shock. 

  • Nootka 5, captured in 1981 at 2 years old, died 26 years later at Marineland Ontario - unknown. 

  • No name, captured in 1982 at 9 years old, died 4 months later at Taiji Whaling Museum - pneumonia. 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lost Freedom; 80-90

  • Tai, captured in 1979 at 9 years old, died 3 years later at Taiji Whaling Museum - unknown.

  • Benkei, captured in 1979 at 7 years old, died 10 years later at Nanki Shirahama Adventure World - acute pneumonia.

  • No name, bred in 1979, died in Nanki Shirahama Adventure World - stillbirth.

  • Surfer Girl, captured in 1979 age is unknown, died 9 days later at Marineland California - pneumonia, kidney failure, perforated ulcer.

  • Dzul-ha/Shamu, captured in 1979 at 1 years old, died 4 years later at Aquarama - unknown.

  • No name, captured in 1979 at 3 years old, died 3 months later at Marineland Ontario - acute blood poisoning.

  • King, captured in 1979 at less than 1 years old, died 4 years later at Kamogawa Sea World - acute pneumonia. 

  • Caren, captured in 1979 at 2 years old, died 7 years later at Kamogawa Sea World - lowered white blood cell count. 

  • No name, bred in 1980, died in Marineland California - stillbirth.

  • Benkei 2, captured in 1980 at less than 1 years old, died 2 years later at Nanki Shirahama Adventure World - cancer. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Red Tide in Florida

     The South West coast of Florida has been experiencing a horrific red tide for the past couple of weeks. This has been the worst red tide event in Florida history. 200 pound Goliath Groupers washed up on beaches in Longboat Key and Sanibel, as well as 300 dead sea turtles, 100 manatees, a dozen dolphins, and a large whale shark. Fish of varying species have been seen floating in Tampa Bay, and have piled up on beaches all the way to South Naples.

     Throughout the summer of 2018, the blue waters of the Florida coast have turned brown, red and green killing wildlife and making people sick. This is because of a human-made problem, it is harmful algae bloom from pollution. This causes a green bloom that is typically normal but because of the pollution, it brings the algae to toxic levels.  It causes death to marine life and can cause humans with asthma and other health problems in the emergency room with a cough and shortness of breath.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Suit Up to Clean Up

     We are just a week away from the International Coastal Cleanup held by the Ocean Conservancy! The ICC began over 30 years ago when people began gathering together with the same goal of picking up and documenting the amount of trash that pollutes the coastlines. Throughout the United States and more than 100 countries come together to participate in this massive conservation event. Suit up to clean up on September 15th, 2018. To find a beach cleanup near you click here.

Friday, August 31, 2018

300 Sea Turtles on Mexico shores

         Sad news coming from Mexico these past couple days as 300 endangered Olive Ridley sea turtles have been found dead in the southern waters of Mexico. The masses of turtles were found entangled in a massive fishing net. The turtles were already decomposing leading investigators to believe the turtles had been dead for a matter of days before washing up.  

Lost Freedom; 70-80

  • Shawn, captured in 1978 a 1 years old, died 1 year later at Seaworld San Diego - pneumonia.

  • Betty, captured in 1978 at 3 years old, died 9 years later at Marine Land Antibes - pneumonia. 

  • Kahana, captured in 1978 at 1 years old, died 12 years later at Seaworld San Antonio - severe trauma. 

  • Kotar, captured in 1978 at less than 1 years old, died 16 years later at Seaworld San Antonio - acute hemorrhage pneumonia. 

  • Kasatka, captured in 1978 at 1 years old, died 39 years later at Seaworld San Antonio - respiratory disease. 

  • Spooky, bred in 1978, died 11 days later at Marineland California - pneumonia. 

  • No name, captured in 1978 age unknown, died 5 days later at Taiji Whaling Museum - unknown.

  • No name, captured in 1979 at 9 years old, died 1 month later at Nanki Shirahama Adventure World - birth complications.

  • No name, captured in 1979 at 9 years old, died 2 months later at Nanki Shirahama Adventure World - nutritional disorder. 

  • Chi, captured in 1979 at 9 years old, died 4 months later at Taiji Whaling Museum - unknown.

Friday, August 17, 2018

An Orcas Grief.

     A mother's loss is never easy, even for an animal. The world has been watching as a grieving orca mother has been carrying her dead calf for 17 days straight. Tahlequah gave birth to a calf, within a few hours, that calf died. Tahlequah couldn't let her baby go, she carried the calf preventing her from sinking and had been nudging it close to the surface. The pod with Tahlequah has been nothing but supportive as they've helped the grieving mother carry her baby, taking turns so each could hunt for food. But as of today, Tahlequah and her pod have been seen without the calf. This story is nothing but heartbreaking and you can't help but cry for Tahlequah. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Lost Freedom; 60-70

  • Gudrun, captured in 1976 at less than 1 years old, died 19 years later at Seaworld Orlando - blood poisoning and bacteremia.  

  • No name, bred in 1977, died 18 days later at Marineland California - brain damage.

  • Miracle, captured in 1977 at 1 years old, died 4 years later at Sealand Victoria - drowning.

  • Magnus, captured in 1977 at 1 years old, died 2 months later at Dolfinarium - anemia.

  • Canuck 2, captured in 1977 at 2 years old, died 4 years later at Seaworld San Diego - kidney disease. 

  • Kona 2, captured in 1977 at 2 years old, died 10 years later at Seaworld Orlando - pulmonary abscession.

  • Kandu 5, captured in 1977 at 3 years old, died 12 years later at Seaworld San Diego - hemorrhage and bilateral fracture.

  • Hoi Wai, captured in 1977 at less than 1 years old, died 19 years later at Ocean Park - severe intestinal blood loss. 

  • Winnie, captured in 1977 at less than 1 years old, died 24 years later at Seaworld San Antonio - GI tract obstruction. 

  • No name, captured in 1978 at 1 years old, died 4 months later at Saedyrasafind - heart attack.