Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lost Freedom; 40-50

  • Wally, captured in 1970 at less than 1 years old, died 1 year later in Munchen Aquarium - heart failure.

  • Clovis, captured in 1970 at 2 years old, died 2 years later at Marineland Antibes - myositis. 

  • Chappy, captured in 1970 at 2 years old, died 3 years later at Kamogawa Sea World - inflamation of the lumbar bone. 

  • Jumbo, captured in 1970 at 5 years old, died 4 years later at Kamogawa Sea World - liver dysfunction. 

  • Winston, captured in 1970 at 4 years old, died 15 years later at Seaworld San Diego - chronic cardiovascular failure. 

  • Kandu 3, captured in 1971 at 3 years old, died 4 years later at Seaworld Orlando - inflammation of the kidneys.  

  • Kona, captured in 1971 at 4 years old, died 6 years later at Seaworld San Diego - blood poisoning. 

  • Kandu 2,  captured in 1971 at 3 years old, died 8 years later at Marineland Ontario - pneumonia.

  • No name, captured in 1971 at 3 years old, date of death unknown at Seattle Marine Aquarium - unknown.

  • No name, captured in 1971 at 3 years old, date of death unknown at Seattle Marine Aquarium - unknown. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Endangered Seabirds and others

    Sea Lion - Endangered 

  • Climate change 
  • Entanglement in fishing gear 

    Marine Iguana - Vulnerable 
  • Climate change

  Galapagos Penguin - Endangered 
  • Ocean pollution
  • Entanglement in fishing gear
  • Climate change 

  Polar Bear - Vulnerable 
  • Climate change 
  • Oil spills 
  • Unsustainable hunting

  Narwhal - Near Threat 
  • Oil spills 
  • Noise pollution 

  Black-fronted Tern - Endangered 
  • Habitat destruction

  New Zealand Storm-petrel - Critically Endangered 
  • Predatory threats 

  Abbotts Booby - Endangered 
  • Loss of habitat 

  Amsterdam Albatross - Critically Endangered 
  • Degradation of feeding sites