Friday, September 30, 2016

Their Story; Tilikum.

Picture from

     My name is Tilikum, I am currently living in SeaWorld Orlando. I am the largest recorded Orca in captivity, I weigh over twelve thousand pounds, and am a lengthy twenty-two feet long. I was captured near Iceland in November 1983 when I was only two years old. I spent almost a year in a cement holding tank before I was sent to SeaLand Of The Pacific in British Columbia. My tank there was only 100x50 feet, and it was only 35 feet deep. Food was withheld from me a lot like a training technique and I was often abused by Haida and Nootka, the two females I lived with. I was forced to perform every hour, eight times a day and seven days a week. After performing I would have to go to a metal-sided module with the other whales for fourteen hours before I could get out again.
     On February 21, 1991, my trainer Keltie Byrne fell into the pool, I was so frustrated and sad I pulled her down to the bottom and killed her. Not too long after that SeaLand closed and sold me to SeaWorld. SeaWorld wanted me for their breeding program. I now have lots of children and grandchildren, they make up 54% of SeaWorld's whales. I have been in captivity for a long time and I can get very aggressive. I chew on metal gates and concrete sidewalls. I also killed two more people, Daniel P. Dukes and Dawn Brancheau. After I killed Dawn I was put in a tiny enclosure where I couldn't swim, communicate with the other whales or interact with humans. I floated in that pool a lot and that's very rare for a whale like me. After a year of being alone in that pool, they made me return to performing.
     But now I am very sick and have been for a while. I have a drug-resistant bacterial lung infection and I am dying. Please help me, check the link down below.

Sign the petition to get me into a rehab: 

Friday, September 23, 2016

3 Ways You Can Help Save Captive Whales RIGHT NOW.

     1. Educate.
          - Watch "Blackfish" ~ ~ (Also on Netflix)
               - Read "The Killer In The Pool" ~
                    - Read "Killer Controversy" ~
                         - Visit and Read "Death At SeaWorld" ~
                              - Read "Why Killer Whales Should Not Be Kept In Captivity"                                                                                                                                                       ~
                                   - Read "8 Reasons Orcas Don't Belong At SeaWorld"                                                                                                                                                         ~
                                        - Watch "Voiceless" ~
     2. Join an Anti-Cap Group.
               Blue Freedom
                    Free Morgan Foundation
                         Orca Conservancy
                              The Orca Project
                                   SeaWorld Of Hurt
                                        SeaWorld Slaves

     3. Sign Petitions. 
                    Urge SeaWorld To End All Animal Acts
                         Get Starbucks Out Of SeaWorld And Boycott Until They Do So 

Friday, September 16, 2016

California Bans Captivity and Breeding!

     What we are doing is working, we are being heard. On September 13, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that will outlaw Orca captivity and breeding programs like SeaWorld San Diego. Starting in June 2017, the Orcas that remain in captivity will only be used for "educational purposes." California is the first state to ban breeding and use of marine mammals in theatrical shows. 

Read More:

Friday, September 2, 2016

Their Story; Namu

     My name is Namu, I was the first healthy Orca to have ever been captured from the wild. I was the first healthy Orca to be displayed in an aquarium and perform with a human as well. I was captured in June 1965 and was sold to the Seattle Marine Aquarium for $8,000. The owner of the aquarium brought in a female whale named Shamu a few months after me, we didn't get along and she had to leave.
     I also starred in a movie called "Namu, The Killer Whale" or "Namu, My Best Friend" that was released in 1966. It was a fictional story set in the San Juan Islands. But after starring in a movie and performing for a year I passed away in captivity on July 9, 1966.

Rest In Peace Namu