Friday, May 12, 2017

Sea Turtle Nesting Season, Lights out!

     From May 1st through October 31st, the beach becomes home for Sea Turtles and their nests. The female sea turtle will emerge from the ocean at night to lay their eggs on the beach in the dry sand. The mother will then return to the sea and two months later around 100 sea turtles, hatchlings will dig themselves from their nest and make their way to their new ocean home.

  • Do not disturb a sea turtle that is crawling to the ocean or to lay her eggs. 
  • Avoid shining lights on the beach, it can frighten the mother and interfere with the hatchlings' ability to crawl to the sea. 
  • Avoid walking or cycling in nesting areas.
  • Do not disturb markers or protective screening over nests. 
  • Avoid walking on beach dunes. 
  • Don't litter. 
  • If you dig any holes in the sand, cover them up before you leave. 
  • Sea Turtles are protected under the law if you interfere with a Sea Turtle you can be fined and even arrested. 

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