Friday, November 22, 2019

Their Story; Kasatka.

Picture from

     My name is Kasatka, I was born in 1976 and captured off the coast of Iceland on October 26, 1978, with my pod-mate Katina. I lived in SeaWorld San Diego with Katina from 1976 to 1984 until we were separated and she was shipped to SeaWorld Orlando. I have been imprisoned in SeaWorld San Diego for four decades (and shipped between the other SeaWorld parks 14 times in 8 years) and am forced to perform upwards of eight shows a day. I have been known to show aggression toward my trainers. In 1993 I tried to bite my trainer Ken Peters and again in 1999. On November 30, 2006, I grabbed Ken Peters again and dragged him underwater twice. He sustained minor injuries. 
     I have been bred multiple times since living in SeaWorld and I have given birth to 4 calves. I am a grandmother or great-grandmother to eight other SeaWorld orcas. My first calf was Takara, she was born on July 9, 1991. Her mating partner (also her father) Kotar died when Takara was only 3 years old after a pool gate closed on his head and fractured his skull. In the wild mothers and their calves live together for their life, Takara and I were separated when she was 12 years old. In 2001 I gave birth to Nakai. Nakai was the first orca to be bred with Tilikum's sperm. I tried to protect him but Nakai was kept in a small concrete tank with incompatible orcas. In 2012 Nakai lost a chunk of his jaw after being attacked by other orcas in the tank. On December 21, 2004, I gave birth to my third calf Kalia after mating with Keet. Lastly, on Valentine's Day 2013, I gave birth to Makani after being inseminated with Kshamenk who lives alone in Argentina at Mundo Marino. 
     In 2008 I was diagnosed with pneumonia but still, was inseminated in 2011 with my fourth calf. I suffered endlessly with pneumonia until my euthanization on August 15, 2017. I was the third orca and the sixth marine mammal to die at one of the parks in that year.

Rest In Peace Kasatka

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