Wednesday, July 20, 2016


     July 18-22 is Orca Week. This week is dedicated to all the whales being held in captivity at SeaWorld and other Seaquariums around the world. I thought this week would be the perfect time to launch this blog "over-whale-ming." This blog is dedicated to Tilikum, one of SeaWorld's captive whales. 
     I will cover topics ranging from SeaWorld to the documentary Blackfish and beyond. I am very passionate about marine life in general so occasionally you may find posts about other marine life or marine life-based subjects. I am so happy to be starting up this project, I hope I can make a difference in at least one whale's life. 
     The above picture is a formation of names I have compiled from lists of Orcas who are currently being held in or have deceased in captivity. Typing these names into the generator was overwhelming. Some of these whales haven't seen their pods in years, some have passed away in brutal ways and some have no clue that there is a whole other world waiting for them. These lovely creatures don't belong in a concrete bathtub. Please help them. 

Links that could help these whales get back home; at least into Sea Sanctuaries: 

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