Friday, February 16, 2018

Carbon Footprint, what is it and how do I change it?

     A carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to, directly and indirectly, support human activities. 

      Once you realize the effect your carbon footprint makes on the earth, you can do simple things to change this. It is important to offset the CO2 emissions as much as possible as you can contribute to climate change. 

      Greenhouse gases are compounds that group together and trap heat under the Earth's surface. Greenhouse gases are the growing cause of our global warming issue. This mass problem affects all walks of life from our plants to our animals and oceans. 

    Walking or riding a bike is a way to avoid CO2 emission completely if you can't get to where you're traveling too easily by walking, then carpooling is a great option if applicable. Speeding and hard acceleration also emit more CO2 than needed and runs your mileage down by 33%. 

     When choosing appliances for the home, make energy efficiency a top priority. Turn off lights when you are not using them and replace bulbs with LED light bulbs. Set your thermostat so it can turn the heat or AC off while you are not in the home. Add solar panels to the roof of your home if you live in a mostly sunny area, you could eliminate your electricity bill and reduce your carbon footprint. 

     Eat local produce and organic food. 13% of US greenhouse gases come from the making and transport of food. Lessen your water usage by turning off the water when not in immediate use and make efficient choices when looking for faucets.  

     Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 20% of greenhouses gases result from the mass production and transport of goods. Buying used products or recycling products you no longer use you will dramatically reduce your carbon footprint. 

     Find out what your carbon footprint is here

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