Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Lost Freedom; the first 10

  • Wanda, captured in 1961 at the age of 7, died 2 days later at Marineland California - pneumonia and gastroenteritis.

  • Moby Doll, captured in 1964 at the age of 5, died 3 months later at Vancouver Aquarium - drowning, skin disease and shock.

  • Namu/C11, captured in 1965 at the age of 9, died 1 year later at Seattle Marine Aquarium - unknown.

  • Shamu, captured in 1965 at 4 years old, died 6 years later at Seaworld San Diego - uterine infection and blood poisoning. 

  • Katy, captured in 1967 less than 1 years old, died 3 months later at Seattle Marine Aquarium - unknown. 

  • Kandu, captured in  1967 at 1 years old, died 4 years later at Seaworld San Diego - unknown. 

  • Bonnie, captured in 1968 at 4 years old, died 4 months later at Marine World Africa - heart failure. 

  • Lupa, captured in 1968 at 12 years old, died 7 months later at New York Aquarium - pneumonia. 

  • Tula, captured in 1968 at 3 years old, died 3 months later at Dolphinarium - external fungus. 

  • Natsidalia, captured in 1968 at 15 years old, died 7 months later at Pender Harbour - heart failure. 


Friday, January 19, 2018

Their Story; Katina.

      My name is Katina, I was born sometime in 1975. In October 1986 I was captured in Iceland and sent to Marineland, Niagara Falls, Canada. I was originally named Kandu 6, but in 1979 I was sent to SeaWorld San Diego and then again in 1982 I was sent to Ohio with another female named Kasatka. For two years we would perform in Ohio in the summer and then when winter came around we'd be moved to San Diego to perform. Finally, in September 1984 I was sent to SeaWorld Orlando where I lived the rest of my life.
     I became pregnant in early 1984 in San Diego, that summer I was sent to Ohio where they realized I was pregnant and then sent me to Orlando where I gave birth to my first girl Kalina. Since many other Orca calves had been born in captivity in the past, and not survived, when I birthed Kalina, I became the most successful and prime whale for breeding. In 1987, I mated with Kanduke and gave birth to my second calf, November 4th, 1988 named Katerina. They took both Kalina and Katerina away from me and sent them to different facilities. 
      When Tilikum showed up in 1992, I became pregnant again and gave birth to my first son Taku in September 1993. My next calf came in December 1996 called Unna. My fifth calf Ikaika came in August 2002. Taku, Unna, and Ikaika all had the same father which was Tillikum. I gave birth to my son Taku's calf in 2006 named Nalani and she performs in shows with me. In 2010 I gave birth to Makaio who is my seventh son.
      Currently, I am living in SeaWorld Orlando with two of my calves, Nalani and Makaio and one of my grandchildren Trua. I am still performing daily and I am SeaWorld's most reliable performance whale. This isn't the life I wanted for myself though, almost all of my children have been taken from me and most of them are passed on. I want to be in the ocean with my family, my pod. Swimming free, not performing. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Plastic Free 2018!

     Everyone makes resolutions around the new year, if your resolution was to go plastic-free you have come to the right place! I've done a similar post to this before but I found some awesome new shops that sell plastic-free solutions to everyday needs, I'm super excited to share these new essentials with you!

     I have found The Zero Waste Collective on Instagram and they have done all of the work for me but I just had to shout out their Instagram page because they are awesome! Here are some of the products I have found with their help. 
Buy this 5 pack of reusable produce bags for $32.83 on amazon

A SILICONE reusable sandwich bag for $11.99 on amazon

  Reusable coffee cup with a silicone cover for $26.95 on amazon

Set of 6, washable cloth napkins for $15.99 on amazon

Bamboo cutlery set with straw for $12.99 on amazon

     The next shop I also found on Instagram called Package Free Shop their products are amazing and their Instagram is so aesthetically pleasing, I highly recommend following them.  Beeswax food wraps, variety or whatever size you need. 

Canning jar drinking lid 

A stainless steel ice pack


Friday, January 5, 2018

Fresh start for 2018!

     Hello everyone, it has been a long 6 months away from the keyboard. A lot has happened within that time, I am heading for Florida in May to permanently live there. I got a new job (well old, new job) and will have more time to focus on myself and this blog now that I'm out of the old job. I'm super excited for what this year is going to bring!
     What you can expect from this blog within the next year...

  • Beach cleanup updates 
  • Green living DIY 
  • Their Story; will continue 
  • Marine life facts
  • SeaWorld updates
     I will also continue with recommendations on places to shop and people or businesses to support. I will be adding a segment monthly on the deaths of captive Orcas. This will be called "Lost Freedom" and I will be documenting whale deaths to show an impact on whales and their lives.  

     I am super excited to begin blogging again and seeing where my passion for the earth takes me and this blog next. Happy New Year everyone, here's to a GREEN new year!!