Friday, January 5, 2018

Fresh start for 2018!

     Hello everyone, it has been a long 6 months away from the keyboard. A lot has happened within that time, I am heading for Florida in May to permanently live there. I got a new job (well old, new job) and will have more time to focus on myself and this blog now that I'm out of the old job. I'm super excited for what this year is going to bring!
     What you can expect from this blog within the next year...

  • Beach cleanup updates 
  • Green living DIY 
  • Their Story; will continue 
  • Marine life facts
  • SeaWorld updates
     I will also continue with recommendations on places to shop and people or businesses to support. I will be adding a segment monthly on the deaths of captive Orcas. This will be called "Lost Freedom" and I will be documenting whale deaths to show an impact on whales and their lives.  

     I am super excited to begin blogging again and seeing where my passion for the earth takes me and this blog next. Happy New Year everyone, here's to a GREEN new year!!   

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