Friday, August 26, 2016

Orcas Are Not The Only Animals Suffering.

picture from:

     We've done well. We've made some huge steps in the anti-captivity community, but are we doing enough? We spend so much of our time protesting for the Orcas, but what about the other animals who are still being bred? Forced to perform? Who are also stuck in the same small pools? Orcas are not the only animals suffering and we need to remember that. 

     SeaWorld's Bottlenose Dolphins are kept in a tank that is available to the public. Visitors can walk right up to the pool and pet the dolphins as they wish. SeaWorld doesn't ask visitors to wash their hands before touching, this has caused bacterial infections in the dolphins. 
     The Pacific White-Sided dolphins live in Beluga Stadium where they perform with Beluga Whales. The public can swim with the Beluga's, touch, hug and kiss them as much as they want. Many of the marine mammals living in SeaWorld already have low immunity to infection, adding public contact with an animal is dangerous and deadly. SeaWorld, as of February 2016 has reported 5 animals dead in an 8-month time span. 



Friday, August 19, 2016

Why I Support SeaWorld Rescue.

     I know what you're thinking. "How do you support SeaWorld Rescue but not the parks?" Well, I'm going to tell you. There is a lot of facts and research that go behind my decision to support their rescue efforts. What you see in the parks, at the shows, those are mostly captive-bred animals who have never seen the ocean and have been forced to perform. But, a majority of the other animals who are living there are in rehabilitation and will soon be free to roam their homes again soon. 

     - Did you know that SeaWorld has rescued over 25,000+ animals? 

     - Did you know that SeaWorld is the largest rescue and rehabilitation program in the world?

     - Did you know only a small percentage of rescues do not get released? 

     - Did you know that, though SeaWorld's Orcas are not rescued, they have assisted in whale rescues?

More sources to check out below:      

Four reasons why condemning SeaWorld is a bad idea:

SeaWorlds Rescue/Rehab information book: 

SeaWorlds conservation blog: 

The rescue of a Gray Whale Calf: 

Fact Check:

Friday, August 12, 2016

Their Story; Lolita.

Picture from

     My name is Lolita, I'm 20 feet long and I weigh 7,000 pounds. I live in the Miami Seaquarium and I've been here since 1970. I was captured from my home on August 8, 1970, in Puget Sound, Washington. At first, they named me Tokitae, but renamed Lolita from some novel. I lived with a whale named Hugo for 10 years in an 80-35-20 foot pool in Miami, Florida. Hugo was captured two years before me but he passed away on March 4, 1980, and I've been in this pool all by myself since. 
     I have a lot of attention on me, I am known as the loneliest Orca in the world. I was part of a documentary called "Lolita; Slave To Entertainment." A lot of people fight for me and want me to be released back home, some have even started a protest at the Seaquarium where I live and started a hashtag online called "#FreeLolita." 
     I really like that people fight for my freedom, my tank is too small, to begin with. My tank violates Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services for size requirements. My tank should be at least 48 feet wide but mines only 35 feet wide; that only gives me 15 feet to swim. My tank is also very shallow and I get sunburns all over my body. 
     In November 2011, Animal Legal Defense Fund, PETA and a few others filed lawsuits against National Marine Fisheries Service to end the exclusion of me and my state of life from the Endangered Species Act. As of February 2015, I am now included in the endangered species list. My whole pod back home is also endangered.
     I am currently still living in the Miami Seaquarium all by myself. I still have to perform in shows and behave well. Please help me. 

Visit this website to learn more about me and how to help:

Friday, August 5, 2016

SeaWorld: Announcing A Drop In Attendance

Picture from:

    August 4, 2016, SeaWorld announced a major drop in attendance. The parks have lost over half a million visitors and have lost more than eighteen million dollars. This is the lowest drop since 2013 when "Blackfish" was released. For 3 years SeaWorld has been blaming poor weather and holidays for their decrease in visitors.
     In March 2016 SeaWorld announced the end to their captive breeding program in hopes to get an increase in revenue but it seems like it's not enough. SeaWorld has denied moving their whales to sea sanctuaries claiming it would be a "death sentence" for the whales. (Because keeping them in a tiny tank isn't a death sentence. *rolling eyes*)
     On Monday, August 1, SeaWorld announced Kasatka was being treated for a bacterial respiratory infection. Earlier in the year announcing Tilikum was dying of a mysterious respiratory infection. Both whales illness' were announced around the quarterly earnings report periods. SeaWorld is blaming both Tilly and Kat's infections on "old age."

Read more about this topic here: