Friday, August 5, 2016

SeaWorld: Announcing A Drop In Attendance

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    August 4, 2016, SeaWorld announced a major drop in attendance. The parks have lost over half a million visitors and have lost more than eighteen million dollars. This is the lowest drop since 2013 when "Blackfish" was released. For 3 years SeaWorld has been blaming poor weather and holidays for their decrease in visitors.
     In March 2016 SeaWorld announced the end to their captive breeding program in hopes to get an increase in revenue but it seems like it's not enough. SeaWorld has denied moving their whales to sea sanctuaries claiming it would be a "death sentence" for the whales. (Because keeping them in a tiny tank isn't a death sentence. *rolling eyes*)
     On Monday, August 1, SeaWorld announced Kasatka was being treated for a bacterial respiratory infection. Earlier in the year announcing Tilikum was dying of a mysterious respiratory infection. Both whales illness' were announced around the quarterly earnings report periods. SeaWorld is blaming both Tilly and Kat's infections on "old age."

Read more about this topic here:

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