Friday, August 19, 2016

Why I Support SeaWorld Rescue.

     I know what you're thinking. "How do you support SeaWorld Rescue but not the parks?" Well, I'm going to tell you. There is a lot of facts and research that go behind my decision to support their rescue efforts. What you see in the parks, at the shows, those are mostly captive-bred animals who have never seen the ocean and have been forced to perform. But, a majority of the other animals who are living there are in rehabilitation and will soon be free to roam their homes again soon. 

     - Did you know that SeaWorld has rescued over 25,000+ animals? 

     - Did you know that SeaWorld is the largest rescue and rehabilitation program in the world?

     - Did you know only a small percentage of rescues do not get released? 

     - Did you know that, though SeaWorld's Orcas are not rescued, they have assisted in whale rescues?

More sources to check out below:      

Four reasons why condemning SeaWorld is a bad idea:

SeaWorlds Rescue/Rehab information book: 

SeaWorlds conservation blog: 

The rescue of a Gray Whale Calf: 

Fact Check:

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